Markus Strasser

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when uploading, creators don’t simply copy a file—they also copy-paste ownership of the file to the platform itself.

NFT is a new file format, for a file you can't copy.

DeFi : Money Legos NFTs : Media Legos

Patronage+” where the “plus” is the possibility of earning value alongside the creators you support.

And remember, these are not just collectors’ items, they are programmable assets that any developer can remix. As developers build new contexts for NFTs to live, there will be compounding demand from creators to have their work included in this emerging metaverse and for collectors to flex their ownership rights.

Referenced in

The Internet of Money

Wait, Aren’t NFT proving the opposite? We wanted digital ownership but didn’t have a mechanism for it? mt8jOJX0d

March 30th, 2021